All is set for Why Wait Quiz Competition

Everything is set to ensure that the Why Wait quiz competition is done before the end of the academic year in July. In view of this, the Executive Director of FLAEM met the Primary Education Advisors (PEAs) who are the responsible Education officers for the zones in which Why Wait is being implemented. The meeting was very successful because all the officers committed themselves to ensuring that the quiz is managed in a professional way. The PEAs will oversee and take charge of the quiz in their zones and come up with a school that will be the zonal winner. The four winning schools will compete at the district level to come up with the district winner (school).

FLEAM is excited that the PEAs have accepted the responsibility of running the quiz in their zones. This will ensure sustainability of the exercise. The zonal winners as well as district champions will be given presents. Three pupils from each school will participate in the competition (one pupil from each class – 5 to 7).

When the Executive Director met the District Education Manager, Mr. Gossam Mafuta, to give him a report of the meeting with the PEAs, Mr. Mafuta was very excited that this exercise will commence in the district. He requested FLAEM to consider including questions from other Life Skills subjects that are taught in the schools. Mr. Mafuta has committed himself to get involved in ensuring that the quiz runs smoothly. This is a big opportunity for FLAEM. For the competition to be meaningful, we need some good presents that will motivate the learners to want to take part. We kindly ask for cash donations to help us acquire the presents.



The photo shows the Primary Education Advisors for the four zones where FLAEM is implementing Why Wait. (From left to right: Jimmy Villiera – Chambe Zone, Cryton Malinda – Ulomgwe Zone, Witness Lipenga – Maveya Zone and Fanuel Mandala – Namphungo Zone)

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